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Dead in the City: Zombie Interactive Peril Story

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Dead in the City: Zombie Interactive Peril Story Empty Dead in the City: Zombie Interactive Peril Story

Post by BastionCon Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:03 pm

Hello all! It's that time again. A new text based story inspired by Dead Rising since I've been playing the Deluxe Remaster. This story will focus on a protagonist acting as security at fashion show for lingerie. His main objective will be to find and escort the scattered models to safety after a zombie outbreak starts. The perils for this story will be mostly zombie and other possible BOW inspired creatures from works like Resident Evil with some occasional vore. This story is generally going to be more goofy and follow video game logic. Those familiar with Dead Rising may be at an advantage too so you'll know the tone of the story. I'll work on this story whenever the urge strikes me so I hope you enjoy!


"It's gonna be a good day." Tom chuckled to himself as he stood among the crowd, surveying it for potential threats. He was participating in the gig of a lifetime after facing so many setbacks in his life lately. Security for a lingerie show and he had unlimited backstage access. As long as he didn't linger too long, he could come and go as he pleased by the dressing rooms under the guise of patrolling.

Tom was a brickhouse of a man standing at 6'3" with bulging muscles. He wore a tight black, short sleeved shirt that simply read security on the back. He wore an earpiece in his right ear, connected to a radio on his waist. Pure black sunglasses with golden frames completed the intimidating factor even if they made it hard to see in some parts of the facility. The show was taking place in an event center after multiple concerns from security. Thankfully management backdown after originally wanting the show to take place in a nearby park. Something about 'ambient energies and flow of chi' from a new age hippy. Dead in the City: Zombie Interactive Peril Story Image010

But thankfully Tom and his boss had been able to convince the higher ups to listen to reason. The show was run by four women, each with their own ideas and thinking they should have final say. But they were also insanely hot and flustered Tom when he first tried to relay his concerns. But his supervisor, the one who also hired him in the first place, was just as beautiful and more headstrong than anyone he'd ever known. Maria Flores was also the most calm woman he'd ever known and swore she'd be able to keep her cool even if on fire. He still needed to pay her a visit and thank her for the opportunity.

A glance at his watch revealed it was currently 11am with the show not starting until 2pm. The security badge on his waist read 'Thomas Reed', a simple name but one that occasionally garnered him recognition. Four years ago Tom had been an up and coming MMA fighter in amateur circuits across the country, trying to work his way up to the Ultimate Fighting Championship. The UFC was where the best exposure was along with the best sponsors. He'd actually gained a nickname as Thomas 'Thunder' Reed for his devastating haymaker that echoed throughout arenas. By sheer coincidence, it was also his nickname in high school during his tenure in the boxing club. During his amateur career, he'd put up an impressive 15-0 record, 7 by knockout, 5 by technical knockout, and 3 by judge decision. He'd made decent money and was well on his way to the big leagues.

Everything was going his way until a shit night at a bar. Tom was out celebrating a big win by himself and was absolutely plastered. The locals in the town greeted him at every establishment and bought him shot after shot after shot. He staggered from bar to bar with an uber and a wallet full of cash, totally full of himself and more drunk than he'd ever been in his life.

At one shitty dive bar though he'd made the mistake of flashing his cash and showing it off to the bartender, attracting the attention of a jealous deadbeat. The guy had accused him of thinking he was better than everyone else and said he won by luck. His last victory was by judge decision, but Tom brushed the guy off at first and offered to buy him a drink. Well at that point he became offended and asked Tom if he looked too poor to afford his own drinks. The man was even more plastered than Tom himself and decided to take a swing at the fighter with his bottle.

On instinct and muscle memory, Tom caught his arm and drove the bottle into the counter, smashing it harmlessly across the wooden surface. What happened next was still a blur to him. He didn't know if it was still instinct in action or if he actually lashed out from inebriation, but he retaliated with his signature haymaker to the center of the guy's face, blasting him past his chair. The true tradgey happened next. By an inch, the drunk man cracked his skull on the foot railing by the bar, causing a deadly concussion that resulted in his death a day later.

Tom had been arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter then sentenced to two years in prison. Witness testimonials were clear Tom acted in self defense and tried to defuse the situation, resulting in a lighter prison sentence. Thankfully, he ended up only serving 18 months due to good behaviour and true remose shown before the parole board. Ever since then, he'd struggled to keep or even find a job. People in streets called him a murderer behind his back when they thought he couldn't hear them, and they were right. He hadn't meant to hurt the guy. He'd never had trouble with his temper and always got along great with everyone. It was one stupid night that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

He was certain he'd never find success again until what was starting off as a shitty day eight months ago. He'd woken up with a crick in his neck thanks to a barely padded mattress in a ratty apartment. He'd been living paycheck to paycheck in a one bedroom apartment with a leaky roof and rats in the halls. He had a small tv and a refurbished laptop that couldn't exist off the charger for entertainment. He barely ever bothered with social media, but something was buggin him to check it out that day. Whether by fate or simply circumstance, he'd received a message that very morning from a name he hadn't seen in over a decade. Maria Flores. His old flame. Ex-high school sweetheart he'd broken up with under horrible circumstances. Seeing the name and checking out her profile flooded him with memories of better times, back when he still had his life ahead of him. Granted, Tom was still only 28, but he had no skills or money to his name anymore outside of fighting.

But the message brought tears to his eyes and actually gave him the first spark of hope in eight years. He swore he could quote the message from memory if he thought about it:

"Hey Thunder, it's been a while. I saw your name again in clip of fighters on youtube, and it got me to thinking about how you might be doing. I can only imagine these last few years have been tough. But I need some help, and you're still the toughest guy I know. If you want to catch up, shoot me a text...."

He'd played it cool and texted her that afternoon. It turned out there were only one town away from each other in Central Texas so he drove forty minutes to meet her. His junky Honda Civic was like a relic from his high school days, the same brand he'd driven back then but missing splotches of its silver paint. She'd driven up in a jacked up Ford F-250 and stepped out like a model. Beautiful, lovely Maria. She had somehow become even more gorgeous since high school and even more voluptuous. Tom's heart was pounding so hard he actually worried he might have a heart attack for a split second. It turned out Maria was head of her own security firm called Guards On Demand, and one of her guys had bailed for an important job. Her reputation was on the line with no body else to turn to.

Tom accepted the job without a second thought and swore he'd put his absolute best forth. It helped he'd kept in shape and even remained up to date with his training. Training was practically his hobby by that point so he certainly still appeared the part for a security job. "I'm trusting you, Tom. Don't let me down." Maria had told him when she left, a serious tone to her voice that sent chills down his spine. Immediately he'd sworn off alcohol and any other vice, ending his habit of spending lonely weekends drinking into the early hours of the morning.

The amatuer fighter was sent through a crash course in security etiquette, certifications, and training in only two weeks time so he could legally be hired for the job. Since Maria was in charge of hiring, she overlooked his criminal record as a one time favor based on their past. He still remembered being nervous enough he might have an accident while performing his duties, but his stomach pulled through. Tom himself ended up being the MVP of security by stopping a crazed stalker from assailing Ariana herself. The heroic moment instantly changed his fortunes and brought recognition to Maria's firm. He'd proven her faith in him and the two began to grow close over the next eight months, working side by side until she offered Tom the spot of Security Head for the entire firm. As much as he wanted to take it, he didn't feel worthy and declined while remaining Maria's de-facto second in command.

And so that brought him to today. Enjoying an easy, well paying gig with plenty of eye candy. The oganization running the show also exclusively staffed women, leaving security the only males actually walking around backstage. Tom had earned the respect of the rest of the firm save for the ire of the current Head of Security. Ivan Vladimir was a surly Russian bastard with a chip on his shoulder. Ever since Tom had turned down the promotion, Ivan took the position instead but felt threatened by Tom's presence. He always tried to stick him with the shit tasks or throw him under the bus, but Maria quashed his claims. The only reason he was even still around was how effeciently he ran the crew. Even Tom himself had to admit Ivan had a knack for the logistics of the job.

Ivan left Tom alone this particular day, concerning himself with placating the demands of the managers. That was definitely a task he didn't envy. He'd reminisced enough at the moment though. Now was time to patrol. Tom was currently in a back hallway of the convention center with a few attendees passing him, occasional glancing back at the massive security guard. To the left was a view of the streets where cars were passing and citizens were going about their lives, nothing exciting as of yet. Fluorescent lights lit up the interior of the center, even the windowed hallway where Tom walked due to an overcast day. Rain looked likely and was forecast with a 60% chance. It made for a gloomy looking day, but he loved this kind of weather. It usually kept more people at bay. Watching the rolling clouds did cause him to spot something odd however.

A disheveled looking man was watching outside the window with glazed over eyes and shaggy gray hair. His beard was white mixed with gray and hung over a tattered gray shirt. He wore camo cargo pants and purple sandals as a ridiculous completion of his outfit. Tom felt sorry for the guy after having been close to becoming destitute himself. He was just staring at the upper windows with the most blank expression, standing completely still. The guy didn't even look like he was breathing. His skin was a sickly gray color as well, making Tom wonder if he should call an ambulance. But the guy wasn't causing any problems as people were passing behind him on the sidewalk. The whole situation was just....odd. He hadn't encountered anything like this yet on a security job. But since the guy wasn't causing a scene, Tom just took a note of it and went on his way. He hoped the guy was going to be okay though and got medical help soon.

By sheer happenstance when he turned his gaze from the street, Tom saw two unknown figures head into a staff only door. He didn't recognize them as staff or security so he radioed into his earpiece, "Spotted two figures heading into Southeast entrance D2. Following to investigate." He set off in pursuit with a hand on his baton. Tom was one of the few who'd completed his handgun certification and was well armed with a set of handcuffs, a 9mm handgun, and a nightstick akin to what police used. They were fastened to his belt, ready to be pulled out at a moment's notice.

This entrance wasn't marked as necessary for the show so the hallway was more dimly lit and lacking in decorations and personnel. He heard the voices of the two figures and could see movement ahead though the lack of light made it impossible to distinguish any features. They broke off into a side room that should have been deserted only for Tom to hear a pair of screams. "The fuck?!" He whispered aloud and bolted into the room.

What Tom saw looked like something out of a horror movie. There was blood splattered along the walls and the corpse of...someone torn to pieces. Organs were exposed, intestines littered the floor, and the two women were grappling with an assailant each. There was a crack in the floor that appeared large enough for a person to crawl in through, but where the fuck did it come from? On the left, a gorgeous goth woman with jet black hair and a massive pair of tits was using her ample bosom to keep a ghoul with rotting flesh at bay. She wore a jeweled necklace with a black jewel in the center and a tight lace dress with a tight skirt that ended halfway down her thighs. She was wearing high heeled, thigh high boots as well.
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The other woman was a beautiful Asian with a tight black catsuit and still impressive rack though the goth woman had a slight size advantage. She had been armed upon entering the room, but lost her gun when the zombie ambushed her. Her hair was even longer but a dark brunette as opposed to her companion's all bkac. She was grappling with a ghoul as well, holding its neck to keep it from taking a bite out of her own. Her heeled boots clacked as she was losing ground, another body emerging from the hole beside her.
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Tom had to act fast if he was going to rescue them, but was it even possible to rescue them both? He had his nightstick, handgun, handcuffs, and weighted fingerless gloves on in case he needed to resort to hand to hand. Both were only seconds away from behind bitten as well....

Thomas 'Thunder' Reed
Health: 100%

Inventory: Earpiece, 9mm handgun (15/30), Nightstick, Weighted gloves

Entourage: Nobody

Character(s) in distress: Goth woman (Pic): 80% Health, Being attacked by zombie; Will be killed next update if not rescued
Asian woman in catsuit (Pic): 80% Health, Being attack by zombie; Will be killed next update if not rescued

First, what will Tom do?

A) Rescue the goth with his nightstick, he can club the zombie and force it off the woman with his hands

B) Rescue the Asian woman in the causuit, he can knock the zombie back into the others with his nightstick

C) Pull out his gun and try to save them both, he's never taken a shot under pressure before and this time is risky as hell... (35% chance of success; Success will rescue both women, Failure will result in Tom either shooting them by accident or their throat being torn out by a zombie)

Level 4 'Administration Staff'
Level 4 'Administration Staff'

Posts : 103
Join date : 2020-02-18

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