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Saoirse's Prologue

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Saoirse's Prologue Empty Saoirse's Prologue

Post by Saoirse O'Neil Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:07 pm

September 24th, 1998...

10:37 AM...

Ravenwood Estates on Ema Street, Apartment 12, Raccoon City, Illinois.

"DID THE POWER GO OUT?!" Screamed the half naked redhead as she ran from the 'distressed' bedroom into the kitchen. Saoirse 'Sersh' O'Neil was wearing one of her older brothers hand-me-down, oversized jerseys, which barely covered her hips thanks to her well endowed 36 DDD's stretching out the fabric. It was taut enough around her curvaceous frame that her nipples gently embossed the fabric, the girls swayed as she ran for her goal! The shirt occasionally hiked up, revealing her neon green thong. "Fuck man, I'm late... I'm gonna be LATE!" Saoirse's bare feet made soft plopping noises on the linoleum tile floor as she made her way for the clothing bag she got from the dry cleaners last night before going out drinking with Jun and Irene at Bar Jack.

That traitor Sylvia is playing there with 'her' band! I wouldn't wanna play there anyway! Besides, our band's gonna be playing over at the mall next month for Slashfest so hows them apples, bitch?! Saoirse thought to herself, grumpily recalling running into her former bandmate when they were drinking, how she gloated about the gig she had for the 24th. Just before some Asian biker1 beat the shit out of those barflies too... that was at least entertaining to watch. However, it wasn't enough to keep Saoirse from drinking heavily and now we are here at 10:...43AM?!!

"Shitshitshitshit-!" Saoirse spat upon looking at the wall clock in her kitchen! Something must have happened to the power last night, as her alarm clock was blinking when the sun peeked through her blinds and into her eyes moments before the mad dash to get changed for work! The buxom ginger had a busy day today- first was heading to Emmy's Diner to work her 11AM -7PM shift, then from there to work her internship at Raccoon City Radio 7.77 from 7:30PM to 2:30AM with Vic, Cory and Mike. Thankfully, Emmy's was only down the street, but still! She had to get showered, dressed, and still bike her way over to the diner before Paul, the creepy fry cook had a conniption.

Saoirse tossed off her bedclothes her endowed bosom bouncing freely as she blindly weaves her way into the small bathroom and tossed the shirt over her head. Faded blue tile greeted her as she flicked on the overhead lights, contrasting with the somewhat old and dingy white floor tiles. To her left was a tub with a sliding opaque glass door, in front of her was a toilet, to her right was the sink and mirror. She ran the water of the tub to full blast as she grabbed her tooth paste and brush. "Shit shit shit, I knew I shouldn't have drank with Irene!" Sersh laments, squeezing toothpaste across her brush, tossing the tube into the sink and stepped into the tub with her brush in her mouth. She peeled the green thong off her hips, pulling one leg out at a time before tossing it over the glass door, switching the tub's faucet to the shower sprayer.

Normally she'd use the sink, but she had to skedattle! She brushed her teeth as the water flowed over her body, scrubbing her teeth for a couple of minutes as the hot water made her wince. My lilly white skin...! She mentally hissed, spitting into the drain at her feet, opening the door slightly and tossed her brush into the sink, closing the door again shortly after. She lowered the temp before she raised her head and gargled with the water spraying into her mouth... unaware what was going on deep in Raccoon's underbelly throughout the night.

Spitting out the water, she then switched to washing her body with lather and soap, working on her hair shortly after with shampoo and conditioner.

Getting out and drying herself off with her hair dryer, she applied her perfume and makeup. A nice satin sheen of purple for her eyes accented by dark mascara to really draw in her sexy lidded eyes. Being 1/4 Asian gave the Irish-American gal an alluring aura, a hint of exotic from an otherwise pale and freckled redhead. Once dry and presentable, she whipped off her towel and rummaged through her panty drawer. She just grabbed the first pair she could find- a purple satin bra and thong with black lacy trim, a cute bow on display in the front of the bra. She bought it for when she and Yoko finally had a guy friend to have a threesome with, but neither had any luck yet in that department. Lots of bites, but nothing worth keeping... She thought absently before shaking her head, her long reddish orange hair flopping side to side as she did. She had to get ready!

Slipping on the sexy underwear, she unzipped the bag from the drycleaners. She paused for a moment. "...No, that can't be." She mumbled, before lifting it up. "Oh... OH FUCK NO!"

"...Dude, you gotta be shitting me!" Saoirse cried with displeasure.

Saoirse's Prologue Saoirse-Diner-3
(imagine without the gun, bloody bandages another spike wrist band xD)

Apparently, her uniform for Emmy's shrank. The skirt barely covered her hips, almost her entire thighs on display as the pink dress hugged her body taut like a second skin, her nipples even embossed the fabric WITH her bra on! "Oh fuck's sake maaaan!" Cursed the redhead, as she puts her hair into a high ponytail with a green hair tie. She looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head side to side. "Damn it.. how am I supposed to go to work looking like this? Let alone ride my bike there without flashing my panties at someone?! Fuck! Those assholes!" She spat, tossing the dry cleaner bag before adjusting the name tag which read 'NELLY' as management at the diner felt that 'Saoirse' would be too difficult to say by customers. One of the other waitresses, Yvonne had the same issue, and instead was given the name 'Star' which just... no, it didn't sit well with her. Either way, her contract stated she'd have to wear the uniform and she couldn't take the day off to compensate given she was only part time. Look at the bright side... I may get a lot of tips today...? Ugh, fuck you Sersh. The mental fight inside her subsided as she simply relented and went to grab her bike before she ran out of time.

She grabbed her house keys, the stuffed zombie bear attached to them so she wouldn't lose them, and clipped it to the brown belt wrapped around her waist She then grabbed her purple pleather coat with a faux purple fur trim... the cropped jacket doing little to hide anything. "Crap..." Saoirse sighed, begrudgingly making her way out into the hall of her apartment and locked the door behind her. She took her mountain bike down the stairs, side stepping for one of the other residents climbing the stairs as she made her way out into the street.

"Alright, gotta put these thunder thighs to work!" Saoirse told herself, mounting her bike and pedalling in the direction of Emmy's which was only a block away south of her apartment. The sun was high, and air was unnaturally warm for the second day of fall. Gotta love that Indian Summer. Shit, is my dress hiking up? God I hope not...! Saoirse thought, tugging down her skirt slightly with her right hand, as she steered the bike along the road towards the greasy spoon.

Rolling up to the sidewalk, the twenty one year old dismounted and rolled her bike to the alley on the side of the diner, chaining it up to a drainage pipe. She looked over to the left where some well worn boxes were lain out beside the close by dumpster. She didn't see Benji, the homeless guy around. A sweet old man, who had on many occasions kept her bike from being stolen. Maybe Paul scared him off again... There's something off about that guy. She thought, before taking the side entrance into the Diner.

10:59 AM almost on the dot! She could see Linda and Paul, but Travis, Frank, Pam, Star and Shelly weren't there. Looking at their time cards at the punch in machine, none of them had punched in since yesterday. "Hey, like, where the hell is everyone else? Don't tell me it's just us three?" Saoirse asked, punching in before turning to Linda.

"Frank called out sick, as did Pam. Yvette is off for the big game, and Shelly should be coming in to replace you at seven, hon." Linda called back from the kitchen, as a gruff voice then spoke up:

"..and that lazy S.O.B. Travis should be back here doing dishes! I swear to God, I'm gonna beat that smug bastard's face in." Paul said, cigarette flapping between his lips, puffing on it as he washed the dishes. "Don't be putting ash on my food, Paul!" Linda called back, dousing her own cigarette in the ashtray on the counter before turning to Saoirse who was removing her coat and placing it on the hook in the small staff area. "Crap, I forgot about that big football game...Sharks vs. Thunderers? Eh, baseball's more my shtick anyway." Saoirse replied, being a fan of the local baseball team, the Raccoon Rascals.

"Nelly... What the hell happened to your uniform?" Linda asked, looking her up and down. The blonde woman's eyes wide as she looked the redhead over.

Soairse groaned, cheeks flushed slightly. "...Ughh, apparently they fucked it up at the dry cleaners. I didn't notice it till it was too late and I'm still waiting for that second uniform I was supposed to get four years ago." Sersh explained rolling her eyes as she entered the area behind the counter. For the moment the diner had only a couple of regulars, she caught the back of someone wearing camo pants and a green vest2 leave the diner, heading for a big black truck. A hunter or hiker I guess? Her eyes quickly shifting to the others who were still in the diner. There were a few noticeable faces, like Officer Ali Marks and Sgt. Ben Winters sitting in one of the booths. Ben looked tired, and she remembered why as he dealt with the Asian Biker1 at Jays last night.

Sersh didn't get a chance to look at the others before Linda pushed a menu in her hands. "Oh, Linda, please... don't make me go out there like this! Lemme work behind the counter, I'm begging ya girl!" Saoirse frowned. "Tables Six, Two and Nine need assistance. Just... try not to flash the customers, kay?" Linda replied, a neutral expression on her face but her eyes looked vaguely disappointed? Seriously, you think I did this on purpose? Saoirse mentally groaned, sighing as she rolled her eyes, taking the menus after slipping the apron around her waist. "Fiiine." She replied, cursing the woman under her breath as she passed, pushing through the saloon style swinging doors that lead out into the diner proper. Black and white tile clicked under her motorcycle boots as she walked over to bus the tables.

1 Kiko Aihara
2 Jack Cavanaugh
Saoirse O'Neil
Saoirse O'Neil
Level 6 'VIP All Access (Master Key)'
Level 6 'VIP All Access (Master Key)'

Posts : 238
Join date : 2022-04-28

Character Profile
Character Type: Survivor
Condition: 'Caution' (Yellow) 'Caution' (Yellow)
Ailments : 'Freezing' 'Freezing'
Other Ailments (Type it in):
Current Condition HP (5/5) :
Saoirse's Prologue Left-bar-bleue4/5Saoirse's Prologue Empty-bar-bleue  (4/5)
Endurance/O2/Grip Strength (Depletes every turn):
Saoirse's Prologue Left_bar_bleue82/180Saoirse's Prologue Empty_bar_bleue  (82/180)
Inventory Inventory:
InventoryType & Total Number or %Type & Total Number or %
Ammunition (Bullets, Shells, etc)Ammunition (Bullets, Shells, etc)68x shot shells, 130x 9x19mm, 10x Kendo Enhanced Shotshells
Special Ammunition (Flare, Rockets, Grenades)Special Ammunition (Flare, Rockets, Grenades)3x Flare Gun Cartridges
Healing Items (Herbs, Medicine, F.A. Spray)Healing Items (Herbs, Medicine, F.A. Spray)3x Cigs, 1x bottles of water, 3x (100%, 50%, 50%) First Aid Spray Cans
Important Items (Lockpicks, Keys, Key Items, etc)Important Items (Lockpicks, Keys, Key Items, etc)Tactical Police Knife, Zippo lighter, apartment keys, work keys, 'Genesis Cell: O Negative' blood sample w/pocket freezer, 'Lucky' Bullet (9mm)
Victims (B.O.W.)Victims (B.O.W.)

Current Ranged Magazine Counter (Self Edit) Current Ranged Magazine Counter (Self Edit):
Saoirse's Prologue Left-bar-gun12/15Saoirse's Prologue Empty-bar-gun1  (12/15)
Secondary Ranged Magazine Counter (Dual Wield/Secondary) Secondary Ranged Magazine Counter (Dual Wield/Secondary):
Saoirse's Prologue Left-bar-gun2/3Saoirse's Prologue Empty-bar-gun1  (2/3)

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